Venture Capital for Africa Offers Great Opportunities for Young Entrepreneurs

As part of efforts aimed at raising the next generation of Africa’s millionaires and entrepreneurs, Venture for Africa (VC4A) is providing the platform for the continent’s budding entrepreneurs and mentors to hone their skills and sharpen their intellect through its first dedicated online training program. The event dubbed Mentor-Driven Capital has been described by experts as being a critical role to play in supporting Africa’s entrepreneurs. To this end, the group is offering 10 free training modules aimed to boost the ability of participants to become high-powered mentors and savvy business angels.

Over the past two years, VC4A has successfully implemented Mentor-Driven Capital programs in Nairobi, Lagos, Abuja, Cairo and Hargeisa, bringing together aspiring business angels and connecting them with promising startups. Based on learnings presented and gathered, as well as video interviews done with experienced mentors and mentees, VC4A has now launched an online course on ‘Mentor-Driven Capital’.

Read also:How To Get Venture Capital Funding For Your Startup

Many startup ecosystem studies across Africa have shown that there are limited local (angel) funding sources as well as a lack of well-developed mentorship networks in most African cities. This is why VC4A, with its local partners, has designed a program that addresses both topics at the same time. Any startup requires cash to operate, but it is the application of capital in smart ways that secures greater impacts and returns on investments. Mentor-Driven Capital has a critical role to play in supporting the continent’s entrepreneurs. It is also where a good local business angel can make the difference between venture failure, survival and success.

Read also: New Report Shows South African Startups Received 41% Of All Venture Capital Investments In 2018 

According to VC4A CEO, Ben White: “Since VC4A’s offline programs can only reach a limited number of participants, we’ve decided to create an online course that captures much of the content of the recent mentor-focused work. Anyone who is interested can now take advantage of the first dedicated training program designed for African business professionals keen to guide Africa’s up-and-coming entrepreneurs to success.”

The goal of this course is to boost the ability of participants to become high-powered mentors that support entrepreneurs while also learning to think and act like savvy business angels. Participants receive expert guidance, training, and hands-on support. The things aspiring mentors need to bring to the table are their valuable time, knowledge and networks.

The course is divided into ten modules. Each module is introduced by a presenter and accompanied by short clips where experts share their opinions about the same topic. The modules are:– Introduction to Mentor-Driven Capital. Becoming a business mentor, Structuring the mentor relationship, Investing your time, Investing your network, The angel investor mindset, Developing an investment strategy, Investing your money, Common startup challenges and Tips for success.


Kelechi Deca

Kelechi Deca has over two decades of media experience, he has traveled to over 77 countries reporting on multilateral development institutions, international business, trade, travels, culture, and diplomacy. He is also a petrol head with in-depth knowledge of automobiles and the auto industry.