The show just launched a month ago, but investors have already poured in over $700k in ten startups. This is true for the 4th edition of “Who wants to invest in my project?”, an innovative reality TV show launched by 2M television channel in partnership with telecommunications operator Inwi, which saw ten startups managing to convince investors and thereby securing funds in excess of 6.9 million dirhams ($720k) (MDH).
“This program is a continuation of the initiatives launched, respectively, by 2M and inwi and aims to support entrepreneurs and give them access to funding to increase the development of their startups and to be supported and advised by entrepreneurs and experienced investors,” says a joint statement between Inwi and the channel 2M.
Here Is What You Need To Know
- The show gives Moroccan entrepreneurs the opportunity to present their projects to investors.
- The show, which was followed by nearly 3 million viewers on 2M and digital platforms, saw two more startups selected and offered funds of up to 1.6 MDH ($180K) from Business Angels and through the support of the “Innov Invest” fund of the Caisse Centrale de Garantie (CCG), the same source said.
- These are “Wafr”, an application that allows its users to obtain discounts in the form of telephone top-ups when shopping in a grocery store and on a range of everyday products, and “EJ solutions”, a start-up that develops connected and new generation containers allowing the certification of traceability and quality in the food chain, the press release said.
“What is important to remember is that the candidates of the show have proven to Moroccans that it is possible to innovate, to undertake and to develop useful solutions, in several strategic areas for the economy. of our country ”, declares Mouhsine Lakhdissi, investor and one of the Business Angels of the program during the 4th Prime.
- The next Prime is to be followed next Tuesday December 22 on 2M and on the platform to discover 4 new entrepreneurs who will come to defend their projects in front of investors, the press release concludes.
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Morocco TV Show Startups Morocco TV Show Startups
A Look At “Who wants to invest in my project?” Show
The show’s goal is to provide an opportunity to market your business, gain access to financing and receive mentorship from successful entrepreneurs. It revolves around interactions between candidates and investors, such as the famous American and Japanese programs “Shark Tank” and “Money Tigers”.
In addition to mentoring and access to professional networks of major entrepreneurs, candidates will benefit from investments from the Central Guarantee Fund (CCG), support from the Digital Development Agency (ADD) and the Federation Moroccan Information Technology, Telecommunications and Offshoring (APEBI).
Charles Rapulu Udoh
Charles Rapulu Udoh is a Lagos-based lawyer who has advised startups across Africa on issues such as startup funding (Venture Capital, Debt financing, private equity, angel investing etc), taxation, strategies, etc. He also has special focus on the protection of business or brands’ intellectual property rights ( such as trademark, patent or design) across Africa and other foreign jurisdictions.
He is well versed on issues of ESG (sustainability), media and entertainment law, corporate finance and governance.
He is also an award-winning writer