Gozem has just announced a partnership with Asia Africa Investment & Consulting (AAIC), a dedicated Singaporean fund manager, to launch its healthcare services. The carrier, which has been claiming the status of Super App of Africa since August 2020, has taken a step forward, casting a wide net, after adding home delivery to its range of services, with the acquisition of Délivroum, the largest Togolese delivery application for parcel.
The startup says that it “works in close collaboration”, with the AAIC, to integrate health services within the Super App in the near future, a partnership fostered by a recent seed investment by the Asian portfolio manager in Gozem.
“Gozem will benefit from AAIC’s strong experience in the healthcare industry in Africa. We value investors who join us to make a difference with a unique value proposition,” said Gregory Costamagna, Co-founder of Gozem.
The Togolese “Uber” of motorcycle taxis “will offer new health services in its existing markets, Togo and Benin, as well as in all the markets it will open in 2021, including Gabon and Cameroon.”

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Gozem healthcare
This new adventure seems to be an opening on a powerful network which should allow Gozem to draw on “AAIC’s vast experience in this sector and on its portfolio of companies to identify and launch the most suitable services. “
“Gozem is one of the most successful Super App we have seen so far in Africa with its strong team. We will put our knowledge and facilitate access to our portfolio companies to accelerate the creation of added value to its Super App ecosystem,” pledged Shigeru Handa, Director of AAIC.
And to congratulate himself: “We are delighted to be working with Gozem to build a strong ecosystem when it comes to healthcare”.
Charles Rapulu Udoh

Charles Rapulu Udoh is a Lagos-based lawyer who has advised startups across Africa on issues such as startup funding (Venture Capital, Debt financing, private equity, angel investing etc), taxation, strategies, etc. He also has special focus on the protection of business or brands’ intellectual property rights ( such as trademark, patent or design) across Africa and other foreign jurisdictions.
He is well versed on issues of ESG (sustainability), media and entertainment law, corporate finance and governance.
He is also an award-winning writer