Uganda’s Restriction Orders Turn Violent as Police Shoots People for Violating Covid-19 Restrictions

President Yoweri Museveni

The restriction orders handed down by Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni as part of efforts aimed at curtailing the Covid-19 spread in the country turned violent Friday as two men were hospitalised after being shot for violating restrictions on transport. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has urged people to stay home but has stopped short of ordering a lockdown. To this end, schools, places of entertainment and worship and some agricultural markets have been shut for a month and people have been banned from using public transport, and being more than three to a car, or one on a private motorbike.


President Yoweri Museveni
President Yoweri Museveni

Police however said that two men on a motorbike in Mukono on Thursday failed to abide by the directive and when they were stopped, they attacked one of the officers, he fired the warning shot in the air but they charged at him and he shot one of them in the leg and another in the stomach in self defense. The Police noted that the men who were in hospital, had said they were not aware of the directive banning public transport and private motorbikes carrying more than one person.

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Uganda has recorded 18 confirmed cases of Covid-19, many of them — as in Rwanda — travelers who had come from Dubai. On Thursday police and soldiers in the capital beat fruit vendors, market-goers and people in bars with batons in a bid to disperse people gathering in groups. Trade and industry minister Amelia Kyambadde said in a statement that security forces should “refrain from beating people. Please explain to them through the community radio towers in the local language”.

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Ugandan legislator Muhammed Nsereko representing Kampala Central in the parliament said on Friday that “we support the government’s efforts to stop the spread of the coronavirus but banning public transport without giving time for people to prepare for the shutdown was wrong”. He added that “now that people can’t move due to lack of public transport and are staying home we are having cases of households running out of food and unable to pay rent or medical services,” said Nsereko. Bans on movement, or complete lockdowns, are hitting the poor hard in Africa, where many live hand to mouth on the money they can make any given day.

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In East Africa, Rwanda and Mauritius are the only two nations to implement a total lockdown, while Kenya and South Sudan have a night-time curfew. Case numbers spiked in Mauritius on Thursday from 48 to 82, with two deaths so far. South Sudan and Burundi are the only two countries in the region yet to confirm cases of the virus.


Kelechi Deca

Kelechi Deca has over two decades of media experience, he has traveled to over 77 countries reporting on multilateral development institutions, international business, trade, travels, culture, and diplomacy. He is also a petrol head with in-depth knowledge of automobiles and the auto industry