GreenTec Capital Partners Signs MoU with Senegalese General Delegation for the Acceleration of Entrepreneurship for Women and Young People

GreenTec Capital

The Senegalese General Delegation for the Acceleration of Entrepreneurship for Women and Young People (DER), under the auspices of the Presidency of the Republic of Senegal, signed a partnership agreement with GreenTec Capital Partners the premier German investor into African Start-ups. The purpose of the agreement is the foundation of the first regional Venture Building Center in Africa to tackle investment challenges by providing investment tickets between € 10,000 and € 500,000 for entrepreneurs at the cusp of their growth stages.

The needs of Start-ups, MSMEs, and SMEs in Africa today revolve around a balanced combination of financing and operational support.

The entrepreneurial boom and the entrepreneurial spirit on the African continent are primarily supported by the growth of new ecosystem stakeholders such as incubators, hubs, and accelerators. This momentum is nevertheless hindered by the systemic operational deficiencies that still exist within the ecosystem today. Additionally, the Start-ups are most often not well prepared to use conventional financing vehicles such as venture capital.

The agreement was signed by the Minister Delegate for Entrepreneurship, Papa Amadou Sarr, and the CEO and co-founder of the German investment company, GreenTec Capital Partners, Erick Yong, joining the mutual ambitions of the two entities to the benefit of young Senegalese entrepreneurs by providing financing of the digital sector. Strengthening the operational capacities of Start-ups, and setting up a common infrastructure to enable startups to develop sustainably.

GreenTec Capital

A new and better-structured ecosystem is needed to enable entrepreneurs to move efficiently from the proof-of-concept stage with low revenues (post-accelerator) to a stage of sustainable growth, thereby overcoming the “valley of death.”

The relevance of this partnership is rooted in the alignment and the sharing of resources between different actors, ranging from the public and private sectors and including development banks and civil society organizations. The joint initiative will further enable entrepreneurs with high potential to get better access to the support they need to grow.

Accessing support in the form of personalized operational assistance will create value for entrepreneurs who have matured past the phase in which incubators and accelerators have added value. This will help to further improve the quality of Start-ups and improve their chances of success.

The guiding principle of this initiative is that Africa must not be a passive observer of its own development, but an active player that invests resources and co-designs the agenda of development. Following this thought, it is in line with the political will of Senegalese President, H.E. Macky Sall, that the Republic of Senegal has decided to integrate the venture building model developed by GreenTec Capital with the coordination of DER.

The DER, created in 2017 and operational since March 2018, has been provided with a budget of $ 5 million per year until 2023 to achieve these goals.

DER, the Senegalese General Delegation for the Acceleration of Entrepreneurship for Women and Young People is an initiative of the President of the Republic of Senegal, H.E. Macky Sall. Its priority is to support and finance Senegalese entrepreneurs in the Senegalese National Development Plan’s priority sectors, which are agriculture, the digital economy, tourism, crafts, services, and several others.

The collaboration between the Republic of Senegal and GreenTec Capital Partners coincides with the ambitions of the French initiative digital Africa led by Karim Sy. Mr. Sy has guaranteed to lend the full support of the French initiative to this new ecosystem building center, which is based on the sharing of resources and the catalyzing of actors in the African entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Through its innovation fund, the DER has already invested in 44 Senegalese startups in 2018, with ticket sizes ranging from € 10,000 to € 100,000. In 2019, the DER aims to support more than 150 digital Startups and SMEs, by investing more than 10 million euros, while supporting an additional twenty Start-ups with the GreenTec Capital venture-building model.

It is not a coincidence that the day of the signature of the agreement between the DER and GreenTec coincides with a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of “The DER Innovation HUB.” The objective is to position Senegal as a major player in the field of innovation on a regional level. The Hub will host major technology companies, innovators, incubators, and accelerators… and of course the GreenTec Capital Partners team.

The agreement also includes the establishment of the new GreenTec Capital regional office in Dakar. Designed to support and develop the operations of the largest investment structure in Germany for African start-ups in Francophone Africa. The local team will help raise the critical operational capabilities of companies to help make them more attractive to international investors.

In the last four years, GreenTec Capital’s investment model has already proven successful in 10 African countries – 4 of them in Francophone Africa, among them Rwanda, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Benin, and several others. Now, this model will be implemented in Senegal contributing to a new investment ecosystem adapted to the structural specificities of entrepreneurship on the African continent.

Due to its high adaptation to the African context, the innovative investment model is scalable across the continent. It provides opportunities to design and develop new innovative solutions formed by international partnerships that can benefit the entire continent.


Kelechi Deca

Kelechi Deca has over two decades of media experience, he has traveled to over 77 countries reporting on multilateral development institutions, international business, trade, travels, culture, and diplomacy. He is also a petrol head with in-depth knowledge of automobiles and the auto industry.


The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences and the African Development Bank and the ink partnership to accelerate mathematics for industry expertise across Africa

African Development Bank

The African Development Bank (AfDB) and the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Monday to strengthen education, training, and research in mathematical sciences in Africa.

Speaking at the signing, African Development Bank Vice President for Agriculture and Human Development, Jennifer Blanke stressed the strong partnership between the Bank and AIMS-NEI. “The MOU gives us a framework for the operationalization of the partnership,” she said.

The partnership sets the framework for collaboration between the two institutions on enhanced mathematical research and innovation in key areas of the continent’s development challenges. It will also facilitate the design and implementation of new projects and programs and further cooperation in events related to science and technology.

African Development Bank

Thierry Zomahoun, President and CEO of AIMS said: “Africa must not sit on the sidelines as others create technology and we consume it.

If we want to leverage AI and other cutting edge technologies and compete globally, we must train researchers and engineers who create the equations and algorithms that create transformative technologies. That’s what we are doing at AIMS and we look forward to operationalizing this partnership with transformative projects to serve African countries and industries,” said Mr. Zomahoun.

Since its inception in 2003, AIMS has graduated close to 2000 students from 43 countries (32% women) from its six centres with a master’s in mathematical sciences. AIMS is unique in that 70% of alumni remain on the continent. Thirty-five percent of graduates are pursuing further studies with 253 having completed a doctorate (307 in progress).

Fifty percent of alumni are working in the ten critical fields of education, ICT, data science, engineering, finance and statistics, trade, commerce, energy, and entrepreneurship. In 2018, AIMS launched a one-of-its-kind masters in machine intelligence that gives students the foundational tools to create technology for today and tomorrow.

Founded in 2003, the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) is a Pan-African network of centres of excellence for post-graduate training, research and public engagement in mathematical sciences. The AIMS network has five centres of excellence teaching a Masters in Mathematical Sciences, including a co-operative option with a direct link to the industry in three centres.

Currently, the network has close to 2000 alumni from 43 African countries.
The network also includes research centres and programs with 108 researchers including six prestigious Chairs currently across the network.

In Cameroon and Rwanda, AIMS is running a gender-responsive teacher training program. As well, AIMS created two critical initiatives: Quantum Leap Africa to prepare Africa for the coming quantum revolution, and the Next Einstein Forum to propel Africa on to the global scientific stage.



Kelechi Deca

Kelechi Deca has over two decades of media experience, he has traveled to over 77 countries reporting on multilateral development institutions, international business, trade, travels, culture, and diplomacy. He is also a petrol head with in-depth knowledge of automobiles and the auto industry.


Siemens partners with Plan International to deliver humanitarian aid initiatives in Sudan


Siemens and Plan International Germany have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate on future humanitarian projects to assist marginalized populations across Africa, with initial emphasis on Sudan, specifically displaced communities affected by conflict in neighboring South Sudan; The partnership will start by addressing the educational and infrastructure needs of communities in the White Nile state, including hybrid solar solutions in areas where access to decentralized energy is urgently required to enable sustainable development; Plan International is a child-centered community development organization that assists the most vulnerable in more than 50 countries, including Sudan

Siemens has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Plan International Germany that will see the two organizations working together to provide education, aid, and infrastructure to marginalized communities in Africa. The initial focus is on remote regions in Sudan, where Siemens and Plan International will provide aid in the educational and training sector, starting in White Nile state. Plan International is a child-centered organization that aligns with Siemens’ goal to support sustainable growth in the region.


With this agreement, Siemens further solidifies its commitment to significant humanitarian efforts in Sudan to address basic human needs and essential infrastructure. Siemens follows a clear business-to-society model in all countries and communities where it operates, and the goal is to directly impact the quality of life of the citizens of Sudan. Siemens and Plan International will focus on the renovation and modernization of 2 schools in the White Nile region incorporating a hybrid electrification solution for the schools and surrounding community.

According to 2018 data collected by Plan International, Sudan continues to receive ongoing significant influxes of refugees into areas such as the White Nile State. The majority of refugees are women and children (88%), who arrive in poor health after traveling many days to reach Sudan, often by foot, and who are in urgent need of protection, nutrition, shelter, and health support.

There are over 170,000 refugees living across 8 camps in White Nile. Over-congestion remains a serious concern, with all camps currently hosting populations beyond initial capacity.

According to Sabine Dall’Omo, CEO of Siemens Southern and Eastern Africa, “This area is in desperate need of sustainable solutions. While short-term aid is welcome and much needed, our aim is to provide self-sustaining solutions in education, skills development, and training, as well as a hybrid energy solution to state, benefit the marginalized populations in areas struggling to keep up with the influx of refugees.”

As a technology company with a footprint across Africa, Siemens has a keen understanding of the impact energy infrastructure has in marginalized areas. Access to electricity is the catalyst that enables access to education, food security, healthcare, and sustainable growth.


Kelechi Deca

Kelechi Deca has over two decades of media experience, he has traveled to over 77 countries reporting on multilateral development institutions, international business, trade, travels, culture, and diplomacy. He is also a petrol head with in-depth knowledge of automobiles and the auto industry.
