StarTech Incubator Launches To Assist Startups In Tunisia Obtain Label, Funding

With financial backing from the US Embassy in Tunisia, Education For Employment (EFE) Tunisia has developed the “StarTech” technology incubator in Medenine,  major town in south-eastern Tunisia.


StarTech is one of the components of a $2.9 million project aimed at encouraging young Tunisians to start their own businesses and stimulating economic growth in new sectors such as agriculture, renewable energy, and e-commerce.

Here Is What You Need To Know

  • A dozen Tunisian businesses will be able to engage in a six-month program of coaching, mentorship, and capacity building at the incubator.
  • This project will allow freshly formed businesses to apply for a Startup Label. 
  • It will also provide technical assistance and open up funding opportunities for them.
  • Lamia Chaffai, General Manager of EFE-Tunisie, and Adam Thibault, Head of the US Embassy’s Assistance Unit in Tunisia, oversaw the remote launch of the “StarTech” technological incubator in Medenine. 
  • Thibaut underlined the United States’ commitment to supporting Tunisia’s economic recovery by assisting young entrepreneurs and inventive people in communities across the country.

Here’s How To Apply

The call for applications for the StarTech project was launched in early January 2022 (

Charles Rapulu Udoh

Charles Rapulu Udoh is a Lagos-based lawyer who has advised startups across Africa on issues such as startup funding (Venture Capital, Debt financing, private equity, angel investing etc), taxation, strategies, etc. He also has special focus on the protection of business or brands’ intellectual property rights ( such as trademark, patent or design) across Africa and other foreign jurisdictions.
He is well versed on issues of ESG (sustainability), media and entertainment law, corporate finance and governance.
He is also an award-winning writer