Merck Foundation Calls for Applications for “Merck More than a Mother” Media Recognition Awards and Fashion Awards to break infertility stigma

Merck Foundation the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany organized their first “Merck Foundation Health Media Training” in Lilongwe, Malawi in partnership with H.E. PROF. GERTRUDE MUTHARIKA, The First Lady of Malawi and Ambassador of Merck More Than a Mother together with Ministry of Health and Ministry of Information to break the stigma around infertility in Malawi and rest of Africa.

Merck Foundation also announced the Call for Application of “Merck More Than a Mother” Fashion Awards from Malawi and rest of Africa.

“All Fashion Designers are invited to create a design with the aim to deliver strong and influential messages to empower infertile women and say “No to Infertility Stigma”. Designs ideas can also deliver messages to encourage men to speak openly about their infertility because 50% of infertility causes are due to male factor”, explained Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation and President of Merck More Than a Mother.

Merck Foundation

Talking about the Health Media Training program Dr. Rasha Kelejexplained, “This program is a part of ‘Merck More than a Mother’ community awareness Program and was organized for the first time in Malawi for local media representatives and media students”.

According to the First Lady of Malawi, H.E. PROF. GERTRUDE MUTHARIKAemphasized, “We are happy to host this training program together with Merck Foundation. Media plays an important role in sensitizing our society. It can help in breaking the stigma around infertility.”

“It is important to initiate this important training program as I strongly believe that media has the capacity and ability to break the stigma around infertility in our communities in a regular and effective basis.” Dr. Rasha Kelejadded.

The training was addressed by The First Lady of Malawi, H.E. PROF. GERTRUDE MUTHARIKA, who is also the Ambassador of Merck More Than a Mother and Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation and President of Merck More Than a Mother and Hon. Mark Botomani, Minister of Information, Malawi. It was also addressed by the Ministry of Health Officials and stalwarts of Media.

Moreover, it provided a great opportunity for the journalists to meet the experts and also to network with each other and work as a unit to eradicate the stigma around infertility and its resulted domestic violence in Malawi and rest of Africa.

The program was attended by journalists working for Print, TV, Radio and Online media and journalism students.

“The Merck Health Media Training program focused on international standards and media ethics for reporting sensitive issues like infertility and other health issues in Africa. It was designed to benefit the journalists in understanding the infertility issues in African communities and to learn the best media practices to cover such issues” added Dr. Rasha Kelej.

Merck Foundation also announced the call for Application for “Merck More than a Mother” ‘Media Recognition Awards’ for Malawi and rest of Africa. The “Merck More than a Mother” ‘Media Recognition Awards’ were launched in 2017 with the aim to emphasize the role of media in enhancing the public engagement and understanding of infertility stigma and the need to change its social perception in African communities.

The applications are invited by media professionals to showcase their work to raise awareness about infertility prevention and breaking infertility stigma in Malawi.



Kelechi Deca

Kelechi Deca has over two decades of media experience, he has traveled to over 77 countries reporting on multilateral development institutions, international business, trade, travels, culture, and diplomacy. He is also a petrol head with in-depth knowledge of automobiles and the auto industry.
