Here’s Why A Proposed Law For Tech Firms From Nigeria’s NITDA May Threaten Your Startup

Unless further changes and amendments are made to a recently leaked bill on Nigerian tech companies, Nigeria ’s National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), a regulator in charge of regulating, among other things, technology transfer and data protection, is determined to have the bill enacted into law. NITDA has attained a new milestone in its effort, following up on its statement last year when the proposed was originally proposed. Its most recent accomplishment was getting the Bill examined by Nigeria’s Federal Executive Council (FEC), the top decision-making body inside the Nigerian presidency, last week.

“NITDA, as the apex regulator of the IT sector, will leverage the proposed NITDAs Bill to extensively engage with crucial IT stakeholders and protect its stakeholders’ interests in the best possible way. However, this can only be achieved through more excellent connectivity and collaboration by registration and licensing processes. Considering the importance of the NITDA proposed Bill. The Bill will be presented to the National Assembly as an Executive Bill,” a statement from the agency, last year, read in part.

According to the agency, the enactment of the bill into law will follow the process listed below:

  • The Agency initiates the process by sending the initial draft to its supervisory Ministry, the Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy, for policy reviews.
  • The Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy perform the policy review;
  • Upon completion of the policy review, the Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy conveys the initial draft Bill to the Office of the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice Office for legal drafting and statutory review;
  • The Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice Office will revert with their legal opinion to the Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy;
  • NITDA will engage all IT stakeholders in line with the Rulemaking Process of the Agency;
  • NITDA will send the updated draft Bill to its supervisory Ministry, the Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy;
  • The Bill will be presented to the Federal Executive Council (FEC) and upon approval, the President will transmit the Bill to the National Assembly for the enactment process, which will include public hearings and more stakeholder engagements; and
  • Upon passage by the National Assembly, it will be transmitted to the President for assent.

“As an accountable Agency, NITDA assures Information Technology sector stakeholders as well as the general public that the process will be transparent and subjected to comprehensive stakeholder engagements. We, therefore, count on the support of Nigerians towards the successful passage of the Bill and eventual signing into law. This will undoubtedly help towards ensuring that Nigeria harnesses the potentials of the ever-expanding digital economy,” NITDA states in the statement.

tech law NITDA Nigeria
Until now, Nigeria’s NITDA is one of the country most powerful data protection regulators. Image credits: NITDA

Why Is The Proposed Bill Considered Controversial?

If The Bill Becomes Law, All Technology Businesses In Nigeria Must Now Be Licensed And Fined By NITDA

This is the first time this has ever happened in the West African country. Section 15 of the Bill authorises NITDA to issue licenses to technology businesses, as well as provide for licensing and authorisation criteria including renewal, suspension, and revocation, to promote free market operation and competition, among others.

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The direct implication of this is that any such licenses granted by NITDA may now be suspended at will, or simply revoked. The Bill did not state in specific details, the procedure for seeking redress from any aggrieved persons whose licenses have suffered such suspension or revocation.

According to the section (before it was further amended this section), the classes of licenses that may be procured under the bill, if it becomes law, are a) product license b) service provider license c) platform provider license. It however did not define the above classifications in specifics, neither did it state the respective licensing fees. In any case, this means that virtually no type of technology business now escapes the regulatory eyes of NITDA, including small-scale technology businesses located in the remotest parts of the country.

1Non-payment of assessed levyFailure to pay within two months after receiving an official notice from NITDAThe company pays a fine of 0.5 per cent of the assessed sum every day of the default.
2Failure to comply with the lawThat is, failure to obtain a license, or comply with the provisions of the law establishing NITDA, or any regulations made by NITDA, etc.Individual: fine of NGN3, 000, 000 or jail for not less than 1 year. Company: corporate fine of NGN30, 000, 000 or jail for company officers for not less than 2 years.
3Denial of entry into the property of the licensee.Entries include entry into premises or access to records or data.Individual: fine of NGN3, 000, 000 or jail for not less than 1 year. Company: corporate fine of NGN30, 000,000, plus  every director and officer to pay a fine of NGN3, 000, 000 or jail for not less than 2 years or both.
3No specific offence and penalty stated in the law.That is, a person commits an offence under the law where no specific penalty is provided.Individual: fine of NGN30, 000, 000, plus administrative sanctions, or jail for not less than 2 years or both. Company: corporate fine of NGN30, 000, 000.
4First OffenderWhere no specific offence and penalty are stated in the law, and the person is a first offender.A fine of N3, 000,000.00 or jail for not more than 1 year or both.
5Subsequent OffenderWhere no specific offence and penalty are stated in the law, and the person is a subsequent  offender.A fine of N5, 000,000.00 or jail for not more than 3 year or both.
$1=415 Nigerian Naira (official); Unofficial= 710 Nigerian Naira, as at 1:10 PM, GMT +1, July 31st, 2022. View source.

If The Bill Becomes Law, All Technology Businesses In Nigeria Must Now Remit One Percent Of Their Profit Before Tax Into The National Information Technology Development Fund

This is not the first time this is happening. Under the previous legislation establishing NITDA, a technology company in Nigeria is obligated to pay 1% levy on profit before tax if it has an annual turnover of ₦100,000,000 (One Hundred Million Naira) and above. These provisions have been carried forward into the proposed rules, with the following amendment:

  • The defaulting person will now have to pay two percent of the levy (that is NGN2,000,000), instead of the previous flat fine of NGN1 million.

The Implications Of The Proposed Bill

The bill implies a lot of things, including that:

  • All technology companies in Nigeria must now first obtain a license to operate before they can even be allowed to register with Nigeria’s Corporate Affairs Commission. This is counter-productive given the country’s population and land sizes.
  • By stating that NITDA has the power to “develop regulations, guidelines and directives on the use of information technology and digital services in every sector of the economy to attain the purpose of the Agency” and at the same time have the power to “issue notices of contravention and non-compliance with this Act, regulations, standards and guidelines,” it implies that NITDA may introduce policies through the back door to checkmate the activities of technology companies in Nigeria. This is exactly re-creating the scenarios recently played out by Nigeria’s National Broadcasting Commission, when it introduced a set of sweeping rules that forced startups such as the entertainment startup, iROKOtv, to shutter its Nigerian operations.
  • The new powers of NITDA are sweeping in their effects, including the power to, on its own, state the licensing fees for the licenses, among other deductions.
  • The provisions of the bill are also going to be in conflict with other laws in Nigeria, especially the new Startup Bill recently passed by the country’s parliament. The bill seeks to exempt early stage innovative companies from certain statutory obligations for the first few years of their operations. 
  • Recall that Nigeria‘s new Finance law exempts small businesses with annual turnover of less than ₦25m from Companies Income Tax. Under the law, a lower Corporate Income Tax rate of 20% ( as against 30%) will also apply to medium-sized companies with yearly turnover between ₦25m and ₦100m . 

tech law NITDA Nigeria tech law NITDA Nigeria tech law NITDA Nigeria tech law NITDA Nigeria

Charles Rapulu Udoh

Charles Rapulu Udoh is a Lagos-based lawyer, who has several years of experience working in Africa’s burgeoning tech startup industry. He has closed multi-million dollar deals bordering on venture capital, private equity, intellectual property (trademark, patent or design, etc.), mergers and acquisitions, in countries such as in the Delaware, New York, UK, Singapore, British Virgin Islands, South Africa, Nigeria etc. He’s also a corporate governance and cross-border data privacy and tax expert. 
As an award-winning writer and researcher, he is passionate about telling the African startup story, and is one of the continent’s pioneers in this regard. You can book a session and speak with him using the link: